And at midnight there was a cry made, Behold, the bridegroom cometh; go ye out to meet him. Matthew 25:6 The Bible says we don't know WHEN Jesus will return. But are we ready? and are we keeping the Light all to ourselves? or do you have the Light at all? In this blog I talk about scripture, about everyday occurrences, and about how the twain will often meet. I guess that is as simply put as I can make it!
DDH: Good Morning, Friends! Hope each of you are happy and have a deep settled peace and joy within you today~~ if not, please allow me to pray for you, I am no one special, but any of us can go to God in prayer, the Word says He hears the sincere cries of our hearts - and that means ANY of us :) ~ know that Jesus will fill the difficult places of your life with His peace, and yes, even with His joy~~ Blessings and love to each of you~~ ♥ :)
Good Points, my dear. There are times though when I think more people praying helps. Like at the beginning of the movie, "It's a Wonderful Life."
I'm not good at following my own blog lol... and yours. have you written any lately? SO crazy busy lately yet there I am on FB... (shaking my head...) thanks for the comment, I absolutely agree! and think it is like that. There is a story that I couldn't find just now but it says that while this person was preaching, many were praying downstairs for the Holy Spirit to intervene and cause many to be saved, and I believe thousands were saved. :)
Going to try again to post this link:
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