Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Whosoever means Whooo-Soooo-Ever!

(Disclaimer: I apologize for the presence of "Large Print" who makes his appearance halfway down the page. I have tried to work it out with him to no avail. He seems to be mad at me for something I did or didn't do).

A friend of mine asked me today to remember her in prayer. Of course, I am always happy to do so, but she implies that God's ear is more inclined

(or should I say, declined)
to hear my prayers.
Her request reminded me of a conversation I had with another friend, Donna, just yesterday. I'm pretty sure Donna won't mind if I share it with you:
DDH: Good Morning, Friends! Hope each of you are happy and have a deep settled peace and joy within you today~~ if not, please allow me to pray for you, I am no one special, but any of us can go to God in prayer, the Word says He hears the sincere cries of our hearts - and that means ANY of us :) ~ know that Jesus will fill the difficult places of your life with His peace, and yes, even with His joy~~ Blessings and love to each of you~~ ♥ :)
Here is my reply to Donna:

KCB: Love this! So many people ask me to pray for them, as if I have a special connection to God. Well, I do! But so does anyone who calls upon the Lord!
There are many many many verses that support what I said to her, including:

Joel 2:32 And it shall come to pass, [that] whosoever shall call on the name of the LORD shall be delivered: for in mount Zion and in Jerusalem shall be deliverance, as the LORD hath said, and in the remnant whom the LORD shall call.

Acts 2:21
And it shall come to pass, [that] whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved.

Romans 10:13
For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.

I'm not special! But yet, you and I are both special to God! So SPEAK UP! God hears you!

MORE will be revealed ...

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Fruit Fly, don't bother me ...

I mean seriously, DON'T! I hate fruit flies (picture here a green-pimply-faced-tongue-hanging-out-not-so-smiley smiley face). They make me feel like my house is so dirty and gross! I can't figure out why they are here. My house is not spotless, but there is no mess of rotting-away bananas, the usual culprits, and most of them are in my BATHROOM, for Pete's sake! I don't even EAT in there.


I don't know why they bother me so much more than other things ... I've had regular flies, maggots, mice, and I wouldn't WANT cockroaches, but I don't think any one of them bothers me quite as much as FRUIT FLIES!

So, I researched online and discovered that you can make your own fruit fly trap. I took vinegar, some raisins, and a tiny bit of dish soap, dropped them in into a long neck bottle, covered the top with plastic wrap, and secured it with an elastic.

Five minutes later, the flies were already hovering over the plastic wrap and landing on the outside of the bottle, investigating what I am sure they think is something that will improve the quality of their lives ...


... when, in actuality, the fact of their little sugar addiction will improve the quality of MY life. This sweet stuff, their FAY-o-VIE-rite things gift wrapped in a bottle, will lead to their demise.

(Insert previously referenced diabolical laughter sound)

Now you know what I am getting at, right?

(and by the way those previously mentioned raisins? are going into the trash, because I suspect that THEY are the SOURCE of all those dang fruit flies! but I digress...)

Yes, what I am getting at, what I am reminding


of, is sin.

God says, "
let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us, Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith ... " (Hebrews 12:1-2, KJV)

There is much more to those two verses, but let's just stop right there.

What has been on my mind so much lately is - how many times and in how many ways I disappoint God. Please don't take this as BEATING MYSELF UP, more will be said on THAT topic, but I'm just thinking of a quote by Max Lucado:

"God loves you just the way you are, but He refuses to leave you that way. He wants you to be just like Jesus. "

How many times do I step into it, so to speak, by mistake, or by planning, because whatever is in the bottom of the bottle looks, smells, tastes, seems ... better than what's OUTSIDE the bottle. (OK, I have coined a new slogan, "THINK OUTSIDE THE BOTTLE!" ha ha...).

This is ironic, since I recently joined Reformers Unanimous, which is for people who think INSIDE the bottle (and other substances and habits). I'm not drinking, but trust me, Satan has all kinds of other ways to distract me that can wobble my walk. And the things which doth (dooth?) so easily beset me can keep me from being and having what God really intends for me!

So, some of the things that have been running around in my mind:


Ok, it's O-bedience, but I liked the list of 'A's'...

(ps, if you click on the picture of the fruit fly, you'll be able to read the text on it, which is quite amorous. I mean, humorous).

MORE will be revealed...